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High-end travelers expect fresh placemats, napkins, headrests and blankets. Chicago can help you exceed guest’s expectations with flatwork finishing equipment that is fast, energy efficient and multi-functional. The Skyline Mini of folders will process virtually every size of airline blankets as well as specialty items. Patented technology maximizes employee productivity while enhancing the look and feel of guest linen.


Designed to reduce employee muscle fatigue and increase productivity by limiting the amount of physical movements – including bending, lifting and pulling apart linen.

High Production

Large capacity equipment designed to accommodate high-volume laundry facilities, such as commercial, textile rental, institutional and government plants.

Labor Savings

Equipment automates production to reduce the number of full-time employees required to process laundry.

Quality Control

Uses advanced technology to ensure that the final product meets both internal and external standards.


Featured Products related to Airlines
Skyline Mini CT

Skyline Mini CT



Rapid Feed CT

Rapid Feed CT

Other Products Related to Airlines


Led by our industry changing Edge cornerless technology, Chicago's feeder line provides accurate automated high volume presentation of sheets and table linen into flatwork ironing and / or folding equipment.

Rapid Feed CT

Rapid Feed CT

King Edge Series Feeding Aids


Chicago offers the world's widest range of gas, thermal fluid, steam, and electrically heated commercial ironers in many different roll diameters and lengths to handle any production requirement.



Imperial Series Ironers Multi-Roll Modular Ironers


Chicago's folding line includes a large selection of folding and stacking equipment to meet the unique needs of any commercial laundry regardless of floor space, laundry volume or linen type.


Chicago also offers additional equipment to refine your finishing system's performance.